Brendan Reynolds summered for a decade on Fire Island before giving in to his love for the sea. He moved into Lonelyville, an idyllic beach community on the western end.

“It was very nice not to have to lock your doors and be able to sleep with windows open and hear the ocean,” says Reynolds, 46, about his decision to settle on the Island 25 years ago.

Byron Chenault and his family, too, went from spending summers on Fire Island to moving into their Ocean Beach vacation home four years ago.

“You can walk along the beach for miles and hardly see a soul,” says Chenault, 40, who is among about 300 die-hards who live on the 32-mile barrier island all year round.

The lifestyle comes with a price. Residents are barred from driving during the high season, when the population swells to about 15,000. Driving permits are hard to come by. Permanent residents are used to rugged living, with four-wheel drive vehicles and boats.